Women in Tech Webinar: Inspiring Women

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We’re incredibly proud of the truly inspiring women who help lead our company and support our culture and values. In March we hosted a webinar highlighting the careers and experiences of five particular women at Rulesware who are thriving in, and helping to lead, the tech industry.

In this 45-minute webinar we had a chance to learn from some of the amazing and talented women who work in technology-based roles at Rulesware. We talked about their lives, careers, defining moments in the workforce, and what they thought would help encourage more women to consider a career in technology. The webinar wrapped up with a lively Q&A segment.

We could not be more proud that Rulesware is an equal opportunity employer where the skills you bring to the table are what matter, not your race or gender.

If you missed the webinar and would like to see it, you can view here.

And we’re always hiring more incredible women! View our Careers section here.

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