Rulesware a Great Place to Work in 2014, According to Get Rated! Survey

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92% of Rulesware Employees Judge Rulesware a ‘Great Place to Work’: Categories Include Challenges, Atmosphere, Rewards, Pride, Communication and Bosses

Great Rated! has studied the world’s most notable workplace cultures for 25 years. In its Great Place to Work survey, the independent organization seeks to discover what makes companies work, and what makes them great.

Great Rated! recently conducted an anonymous survey of randomly selected Rulesware employees to assess a variety of workplace factors, including the quality of the workplace challenges; company atmosphere; rewards offered to employees; company pride; level of communication to and among employees; and quality of management and leadership.

We’re incredibly proud to report that Rulesware received an average rating of 92% across all six categories. 

Read the full report here, or scroll down to see the highlights.


Within its overall assessment, Great Rated! observed that: “Rulesware LLC employees enjoy the company’s friendly family feel, as well as accessible leaders who encourage them to be creative and take intelligent risks. Staffers at this business process management firm applaud its inclusive, diverse workforce and commitment to equality (as evidenced by its growing numbers of female engineers, which is rare in the IT field).”

They also noted the company’s fun factor: “Those who like to travel will appreciate some of Rulesware’s traditions: new hires are flown to meet colleagues in El Salvador, and all employees are flown with their families to a fun, all-expenses-paid annual holiday event.”

And Rulesware’s focus on professional development was celebrated, too, with Great Rated! reporting that: “With a newly launched, comprehensive training program, Rulesware employees can access formal professional development and certification programs, alongside the many informal learning opportunities at Rulesware. “Management treats all employees more like family than resources,” says one staffer.”


All quotes below are taken directly from the Great Rated! report on Rulesware LLC in 2014, which can be found in full at this link.

Rulesware Offers Great Challenges

“A solid majority of employees (89 percent) say they carry a lot of responsibility in the organization, and even more (91 percent) say that managers trust them to carry out these responsibilities without micromanaging them.”

“With employees of many ages and cultural backgrounds spread across multiple locations, Rulesware is making progress in a personnel area where the IT sector has struggled historically: The company formerly had only one female team member but now reports that a significant number of skilled female engineers are thriving at Rulesware.”

“It is often difficult for companies to ensure that promotions are awarded fairly, but at Rulesware, 80 percent of employees say promotions consistently go to those who most deserve them, within 5 percentage points of what one can expect at even the very best-managed corporations in America.”

Rulesware Has a Great Atmosphere

“An average of 81 percent of Rulesware employees say they often or almost always enjoy their colleagues and find their workplace to be fun and cooperative. Another 13 percent sometimes benefits from these qualities, for a combined positive rating from 94 percent of employees in the Great Atmosphere category.”

 “Rulesware parties are frequent. Once a year, the company flies all employees and their families to a holiday destination. In addition, all employees receive Christmas presents at the company holiday party, and there are annual bonuses.”

“For unexpected events such as family illness, Rulesware has allowed employees to take as much time off as needed. For example, one employee left work on one day’s notice to be with his critically ill father in India; the father died, and the employee needed two months after his father’s passing because of religious observances. He was quickly granted this two-month leave, even though it meant lost revenue to Rulesware.”

Rulesware Offers Great Rewards

“An average of 67 percent of Rulesware employees often or almost always find the company compensates them fairly, provides special and unique benefits, supports their work-life balance and shows genuine appreciation for their contributions. Another 23 percent reports they sometimes receive these benefits as well, for a combined positive rating from 90 percent of employees in the Great Rewards category.”

80% of employees said ” I am able to take time off from work when I think it’s necessary.”

Rulesware Employees Feel Great Pride

“An average of 83 percent of Rulesware employees report that they often or almost always carry meaningful responsibilities within the organization and are proud of their accomplishments, community impact and the company’s reputation in the world. Another 12 percent report that they sometimes experience this pride as well, for a combined positive rating from 95 percent of employees in the Great Pride category.”

“Rulesware is sponsoring a soccer field for children at a poor, gang-ridden town in El Salvador. The company also provides scholarships to orphans in El Salvador.”

“Other Rulesware philanthropy includes donating IT equipment to various organizations such as Big Sisters as well as employees volunteering together to clean buses for a school for the blind in Austin.”

Rulesware Encourages Great Communication

“An average of 70 percent of Rulesware employees say they often or almost always experience a free and transparent exchange of ideas and information within the organization. Another 22 percent sometimes has this experience as well, for a combined positive rating from 92 percent of employees in the Great Communication category.”

“With its geographically dispersed workforce, Rulesware has implemented creative ways of replacing “water cooler conversations” that happen in more centralized companies, such as through its Team Portal. Most employees (80 percent) say the company’s executives are approachable and easy to talk with, and about three out of four say that managers genuinely seek and respond to suggestions and ideas.”

Rulesware Has Great Bosses

“An average of 74 percent of Rulesware employees say their managers often or almost always act with integrity and care, are competent in their positions and provide clear directions and vision for the organization. Another 18 percent say their managers sometimes display these characteristics, for a combined positive rating from 92 percent of employees in the Great Bosses category.”

“Employees speak highly of the friendly atmosphere and culture of integrity, diversity and pride their leaders encourage. Staff tends to view their managers as effective, ethical and concerned about employees. Eighty-six percent of employees say that their managers are competent, and the same number view leaders as honest and ethical, and as delivering on their promises. For the most part, employees also appreciate the care they experience from leadership: 86 percent believe the company would lay people off only as a last resort, and 71 percent say managers show a sincere interest in them as people, not just employees.”

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