Rulesware was thrilled to be a Platinum Sponsor at PegaWORLD 2015, a prestigious three-day event for business leaders seeking to use the power of Pega technology to drive their digital enterprises.

The annual PegaWORLD summit unites industry leaders and visionaries in the BPM (business process management) space to share ideas, and jointly discuss the best possible ways to achieve business transformation.

We were at PegaWORLD in full force this year, with a team of 20+ consultants — including our CEO, Anthony Lee, and a number of our senior leaders — all eager to learn and meet others as passionate about Pega and BPM.

We’ll be posting many of our lessons learned, insights and takeaways from PegaWORLD here.

And please check out our Storify collection of the conference goings-on from a Rulesware point of view (see below).