Streamlining Media and Marketing Campaigns

A personal insurance company needed a centralized campaign management tool that could secure sensitive customer data and handle a multitude of business processes.

The Problem

We needed to create a simplified, streamlined process for implementing and documenting an insurance company’s new marketing and media campaigns that leveraged their agency, customer service, and measurement systems. The company recognized the need to provide a centralized access point for campaign initiation, management, and measurement as the existing process involved several different groups, each employing unique technologies and processes.


The Solution

A four-phased approach was designed to meet the client’s needs.

First, a Campaign Management tool on the Pega platform was created with a standard set of user interfaces and processes to replace the manual exchange of data with an automated system. This reduced manual errors, standardized the campaign management process, and defined knowledge and expertise that previously only resided in the minds of individuals. Rulesware made the user interfaces customizable based upon user groups and compatible with future upgrades.

Second, roles were defined and instituted to manage parts of the campaign management process. This eliminated redundant tasks and enabled role based process participation.

Next, the team enabled the business activity monitoring tools within Pega to monitor process activity and assist in the identification of possible process improvements. Such an implementation is aligned with the standard BPM best practices of constant process improvement and monitoring.

Finally, to allow for intelligent assessments of campaign success and the re-use of historic campaigns, a process was created to address the archiving of previous campaigns for metrics, reporting, and re-use. Specialized document generation features to enhance Pega’s standard correspondence functions were designed and built as well.

The Result

This campaign management solution was deployed successfully with no known issues or problems to date.


For more information on how we can help your company achieve its goals, please contact us.