Development of Advanced Lead Management System

Rulesware helped a US-based insurance company develop an advanced lead management solution for agents and their support staff.

The Problem

We were tasked with developing an advanced lead management solution capable of the creation of leads; the viewing, updating, and resolution of leads; and the monitoring of agency and sales activity. The organization involved in using this capability primarily consisted of agents and agency support staff, though additional field and home office users would also use it.


The Solution

Using an iterative based methodology with heavy reliance on use case development, the implementation team was divided into sub teams that were assigned specific use cases. The overall design and requirement validation was managed by a governance team that coordinated all efforts including the training of end users and infrastructure build.

The Result

We were able to deliver the solutions within the restraints of an aggressive schedule, including integration with the customer’s authentication system, legacy customer data sources and quote and bind applications. The solution included implementing internal processes to manage the changing and maintenance of business rules, and distributing these roles to the customer’s internal staff.

This solution was successfully deployed in three phases, with one phase rolled out per quarter.

confident sales manager

For more information on how we can help your company achieve its goals, please contact us.