How to Maximize the ROI of your Digital Transformation

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Customers and corporations across the globe are either selling, shopping, or purchasing products and services using a combination of online and in-person tools and resources. No matter the industry, it’s safe to say that almost every organization is working through some form of digital transformation. While it may sound obvious, it is critical to acknowledge […]

15 Years of Success: An Interview With Rulesware CEO Anthony Lee

Rulesware recently celebrated its 15-year anniversary. We sat down with CEO Anthony Lee to get his thoughts on how a feisty little start-up rose through the ranks to hit this milestone and to become the respected Pega partner it is today. CH: Anthony, thanks for chatting with us today. Wow – 15 years of success…congratulations! […]

What Does Business Transformation Really Mean?

Business Transformation, and its close partner Digital Transformation, are terms we’re suddenly hearing everywhere—and yet as Business Transformation specialists here at Rulesware, we’re still often asked just what it is, and how we define and apply it. This post gathers insights and perspectives from Rulesware’s senior leaders to share our experiences with helping companies achieve […]

Rulesware a Great Place to Work in 2014, According to Get Rated! Survey

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92% of Rulesware Employees Judge Rulesware a ‘Great Place to Work’: Categories Include Challenges, Atmosphere, Rewards, Pride, Communication and Bosses Great Rated! has studied the world’s most notable workplace cultures for 25 years. In its Great Place to Work survey, the independent organization seeks to discover what makes companies work, and what makes them great. Great […]