A Look Back at the First Year of the Rulesware Giving Program

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In 2019, we launched our new Rulesware Giving Program—an initiative that encourages and empowers our team members to live our company values and contribute to their communities. The program is built from three different initiatives: service projects, volunteer time off, and donation matching. Take a look at some of the projects that were completed this year!

Service projects

Sponsoring service projects in the United States, El Salvador, and Mexico—the places we work—is one way we are giving back! Enabling Rulesware employees and community partners to carry out these supportive projects is a key part of our giving program.

Mexico Service Project

El Salvador Service Project

“These kinds of projects are great because we get to help and give back to our local community. We have a common goal: to help others. The Rulesware Giving Program is a great opportunity to create meaningful connections with those around us.”

– Diego

Donation matching

Matching charitable donations by employees in December of each year, up to a predetermined amount, is a way for employees to engage with charitable organizations and see the impact of their contributions double. Employees choose where their donations go so that the funds go to causes that resonate with them.

For example, as part of our US holiday party, Rulesware provided a donation to Habitat for Humanity San Antonio and matched all other donation contributions for Habitat for Humanity. Employee donations were also made to a variety of other organizations, including matches from Rulesware. Those causes included the Mexican Red Cross, the UN High Commission for Refugees, The Harvey Milk Civil Rights Academy, and Meyalli School.

Volunteer time off

2019 marked the launch of phase one of our paid Volunteer Time Off (VTO) Program. In Phase One of the program, eligible leaders can take up to 40 paid hours throughout the year to get involved, give back, and engage with the community.

“This program makes me feel I’m giving back a little bit to our society. I am teaching them English and soft skills, but they teach me how to be a better human being.”

– Alexis

Community-minded? Passionate about helping others? Interested in joining a team that likes to give back? Explore our job opportunities!

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