Rulesware Recognizes its 2022 Executive Award Winner

rajesh kumar balasubramanian

Recently on Friday, December 9, Rulesware celebrated its 2022 Holiday Party. During this event Rulesware awarded one of its employees with Rulesware’s 2022 Executive Award, an award for which employees are nominated by their peers and one of them is chosen by our Executive Team. This prestigious award, given out only once per year to […]

Rulesware Celebrates Executive Award Winner

Drumroll please, we have a winner. Last year, Rulesware ran an awards program to recognize excellence on our team. The most prestigious of the awards in the program is the Executive Award. The winner—as chosen by their peers—embodies all of Rulesware’s core values, exceeds expectations, always strives for improvement, excels in their interpersonal relationships and […]

Why Refresh Your Company Values?

Personal and professional values: we’ve all got ‘em. They represent our fundamental beliefs, and guide our decisions, and shape our behaviour. Company values perform a very similar function. A company’s core values represent its fundamental beliefs, and act as guiding principles to help people understand what’s expected of them, in terms of behaviour, how decisions […]

The Spirit of Giving Is Alive and Well at Rulesware

Every year Rulesware loves to gather for our annual (and let’s face it, somewhat legendary) holiday parties … which occasionally spill into the new year. Bringing everyone together always feels special. Rulesware is one big family spread far and wide, and we love to connect, participate in fun team-building events together, celebrate the year’s wins, […]