When The Bad Guys Want Your Money: Protecting Yourself From Payments Fraud

Bad Guys Want Your Money

Payments fraud is a big problem…for everyone.  It doesn’t matter who you are, where you live, or who you know–everyone gets hit by payments fraud attempts. And as more and more business is conducted remotely, and consumers and businesses use mobile and digital payments, we are seeing an increase in new and more sophisticated fraud […]

Why Onboarding is More Complex Than You Think


Everyone thinks they know how to define “good onboarding” – a process that delivers a simple and seamless customer experience. But there’s another onboarding dimension where many banks are failing: risk assessment. Every bank and financial institution must comply with federal and state regulations, particularly anti-money laundering (AML) guidelines. But if their risk lifecycle isn’t […]

How to Maximize the ROI of your Digital Transformation

digital transformation

Customers and corporations across the globe are either selling, shopping, or purchasing products and services using a combination of online and in-person tools and resources. No matter the industry, it’s safe to say that almost every organization is working through some form of digital transformation. While it may sound obvious, it is critical to acknowledge […]

Rulesware’s Pega Expertise Takes Palomar Growth to the Next Level

Pega Case Study for Palomar

Rulesware’s Pega Expertise Takes Palomar Growth to the Next Level Palomar, a specialty insurance provider, had plans for multiple new technology enhancements. Their in-house team was working hard to meet these goals, along with an offshore vendor. The problem? The vendor wasn’t deeply experienced with Pega, was on the other side of the globe, and […]

Pega: Evolution of the Enterprise Class Structure A perspective of the last decade

The Evolution of the Enterprise Class Structure By David McPhail, Sept 2018 The Enterprise Class Structure (ECS) is the core foundation on which Pega applications are built.  It is one of the most critical components to define as a part of a new Pega implementation, and can have a significant effect on the future state of […]

Lending Automation Thought Leadership

August 2021 Use These 4 Success Factors When Planning for Your Lending Transformation Transforming your lending business sounds like an aspirational goal. Who doesn’t want to enable faster credit decisions, a radically improved customer experience, significant cost reductions, and enhanced auditability? Let’s get started! Not so fast. The reality is, transforming your lending business is exceptionally […]

Scrum Basics – The Servant Leader & The Storyteller

By: Marvin T. Rulesware Team Member In the software development world, the Agile methodology, which is a way to manage a project by breaking it up into several phases, is an effective process geared at delivering solutions. It’s great at encouraging flexible responses to change. However, working under the Agile umbrella and using Scrum (a […]

Relieving Pain in the Loan Process: LoanExpediter

Loan Automation Software

JANUARY 27, 2021 Relieving Pain in the Loan Process: LoanExpediter As a digital business transformation consultancy, we’ve worked with countless clients suffering what might be called “the pain of process,“ or the lack thereof. An inconsistent process is not a process at all. It’s inviting chaos into the organization. Add on manual steps to a […]

Addressing the Lending Compliance


August 2021 Addressing the Lending Compliance “Gorilla in the Room” Compliance has always been a headache in modern lending, but increasing regulatory scrutiny is becoming a breaking point issue for some financial services organizations. Every step of the loan operations process can involve navigating disclosures, verifying information accuracy, and backtracking to confirm 100 percent compliance […]